
London – Camden Lock Market

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The Camden markets are a number of adjoining large retail markets in Camden Town near the Hampstead Road Lock of the Regent’s Canal (popularly referred to as Camden Lock), often collectively named “Camden Market” or “Camden Lock”. Among products sold on the stalls are crafts, clothing, bric-a-brac, and fast food. It is the fourth-most popular visitor attraction in London, attracting approximately 250,000 people each week.

A small local foodstuffs market has operated in Inverness Street in Camden Town since the beginning of the 20th century. From 1974 a small weekly crafts market that operated every Sunday near Camden Lock developed into a large complex of markets. The markets, originally temporary stalls only, extended to a mixture of stalls and fixed premises. The traditional Inverness Street market started losing stalls once local supermarkets opened; by mid-2013 all the original stalls had gone, being replaced by stalls similar to those of the other markets, including fast food but not produce.

The markets originally operated on Sundays only, which continues to be the main trading day. Opening later extended to Saturdays for most of the market. A number of traders, mainly those in fixed premises, operate throughout the week, although the weekend remains the peak period.

In 2014, Israeli billionaire Teddy Sagi started buying property in the Camden Market area. By March 2015, having purchased the four most important of the six sections of the market, he announced plans to invest £300 million in developing the market area by 2018.

Camden Lock Market is situated by the Regent’s Canal on a site formerly occupied by warehouses and other premises associated with the canal. By the early 1970s the canal trade had ceased and a northern urban motorway was planned that would cut through the site, making any major permanent redevelopment impossible, and in 1974 a temporary market was established. By 1976, when plans for the motorway were abandoned, the market had become a well known feature of Camden Town. Originally, the Lock was a market for crafts, occupying some outdoor areas by the canal and various existing buildings.

While the range of goods has since widened, with stalls selling books, new and second-hand clothing, and jewellery, the Lock retains its focus as the principal Camden market for crafts. There is a large selection of fast food stalls. In 1991 a three-storey indoor market hall designed by architect John Dickinson was opened on the site of the first outdoor market. In the style of the traditional 19th century industrial architecture and housing in the area, it is built of brick and cast iron. It attracted large numbers of visitors partly due to stalls being open on Sundays, when previous to the Sunday Trading Act 1994, shops were not permitted to operate on Sundays. On 28 February 1993, the Provisional IRA exploded a bomb hidden in a litter bin on Camden High Street near the market, shortly after lunchtime. The bomb injured 11 people.

From 2006, a large indoor market hall was constructed in a yard between the Camden Lock Market and the Stables Market that was previously used for open air stalls. In November 2007 a large part of the Stables Market was demolished as part of a long-term redevelopment plan for the area and rebuilt as a year-round permanent market area.

In 2016, Urban Markets Company acquired Camden Lock and paid between £300m and £400m for the one-acre site. The joint venture between the founders of Camden Lock and Millitarne Retail Resorts International, the retail developers, was financed by Brockton Capital, a real estate private equity fund. Camden Lock Market is set to have a £20 million makeover to transform it into a traditional arts and craft centre for Londoners. The Urban Market Company plans to double the enclosed area and increase trading space by 15,000 square feet.

Early on 10 July 2017, shortly after midnight, a large fire (cause currently unknown) occurred at the Camden Lock Market. At least 70 firefighters and 10 engines attended.


Als Camden Market wird eine Ansammlung von verschiedenen Märkten in und um die Camden High Street im Londoner Bezirk Camden Town bezeichnet. Sie bilden einen der bekanntesten und größten Märkte der Stadt und werden pro Woche von rund 500.000 Menschen besucht.

Der Markt besteht aus sechs benachbarten Marktbereichen:

Camden Lock Market, gegründet im Jahr 1974, 1991 wurde eine neue Markthalle eröffnet.

Stables Market im Norden des Areals. Er hat die größte Fläche von allen Teilbereichen; es werden vorwiegend Kleidungsstücke und Möbel angeboten. Gegen den Umbau des Marktes und die Ansiedlung von großen Modeketten hatten 2007 Anwohner und Londoner protestiert.

Camden Canal Market im Nordosten des Areals, direkt am Regent’s Canal. Der Markt wurde am 9. Februar 2008 durch ein Feuer verwüstet. Hierbei wurde auch das bei Prominenten beliebte Pub „The Hawley Arms“ schwer beschädigt.

Buck Street Market im Süden, in der Nähe der U-Bahn-Station Camden Town

Electric Ballroom in den Räumlichkeiten eines alten Clubs aus den 1930er Jahren, am Wochenende dient er als Club und an zwei Tagen in der Woche als Market. Im Electric Ballroom spielten Rockbands und Musiker wie Madness, Iggy Pop, U2 oder Sid Vicious.

Inverness Street in einer Seitenstraße der Camden High Street im Südwesten des Areals, wo zahlreiche Pubs und Bars angesiedelt sind.

Unmittelbar an die Märkte angrenzend haben sich mehrere Medienunternehmen niedergelassen. So haben dort unter anderem MTV, die Nachrichtenagentur AP, als auch der deutsche Sender RTL am Camden Markt ihre Studios. Der verheerende Brand im Februar 2008 war nicht der erste seiner Art. Bereits im Oktober 1980 fielen Teile des Marktes einem Feuer zum Opfer.

Im Mai 2009, über ein Jahr nach dem verheerenden Brand, öffnete der Camden Market mit über einhundert neuen Geschäften unter dem neuen Namen Camden Lock Village wieder seine Pforten.

Am 10. Juli 2017 brach kurz nach Mitternacht ein Feuer im Camden Lock Market aus. Über 70 Feuerwehrleute waren im Einsatz und konnten den Brand nach rund drei Stunden in den frühen Morgenstunden unter Kontrolle bringen.


Posted by Michael.Kemper on 2022-12-04 10:06:38

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The post London – Camden Lock Market first appeared on London.


Author : london

Publish date : 2025-01-13 05:14:57

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